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Support our School

Invest in the Future


We believe that our education is crucially important in building a better world for all. The young people who leave our school are innovative creators and independent thinkers with a deep understanding of human history; and meaningful appreciation of community and the environment. They could discover remarkable new renewable energy technology; set up a new social enterprise; change the world. Education is the root of change and our pioneering school can lead the way.


Like every nonprofit, Drumduan School depends on the philanthropic support of the people who care about our school and our mission. And like every independent school, tuition fees alone do not support everything we do to educate the children of our school. There are various ways you can play a part in helping us realise this ambitious project.


By participating in events, engaging with the School Development Working Group and supporting fundraising initiatives where you can, our community contributes meaningfully to the learning environment of our children. We are grateful to you for your commitment to our vision and thank you for your ongoing support.

There are a few ways you can help our School. You can either:

  • Volunteer your skills

  • Donate Directly

  • Sponsor a Child

  • Donate through Gift Aid

  • Offer business connections and support

Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you!

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Share your special skills with us.

Thank you for your service!

Please Support Our Cause

Your help makes a BIG difference.


Thank you for your kind and generous donation!


Gift Aid

We believe that personal connections are the most powerful tool in fundraising, and that's why we are turning to you, our valued parents, to help us in this endeavour. We are asking each family to reach out to five friends, family members, or godparents and request their support through donations to the school.  If they are UK taxpayers, they could Gift Aid their donation, and it would give it an uplift of 25%.

To donate through Gift Aid, please complete the Gift Aid Declaration Form, and then please send it to or by post to our Finance Manager. Thank you!



Drumduan School aim to make our Steiner/Waldorf education as accessible as possible to everyone. 

We have developed the Star Child Fund Project whereby we give qualifying children a scholarship to attend our beautiful school. For this to be successful, we need to amazing people to sponsor a child. 

This is an incredible opportunity for you as you will be giving a child access to the Steiner-Waldorf education that they never before would have been able to have if not for your generous sponsorship. 

From the botton of our hearts, we thank you!

To find out more about the Star Child Fund, please email us using the button below.

Corporate Sponsors and Business Support

Drumduan is looking to partner with businesses which share our regenerative and holistic values and who would like to support our education in a variety of ways. Work experience and apprenticeships; career talks and school trips; sponsorship and courses- there are many different ways to support Drumduan School to be a beacon of education for the 21stC

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